Bear witness to the technically supreme, supercharged, 2025 Capita SUPER D.O.A. This game-changing, turbocharged wonder of the slopes has absorbed the shaping and camber theory from the most beloved snowboard in the galaxy and cranked up the construction to "Don't Panic" levels. Designed for the intermediate to advanced all-terrain resort rider seeking the award-winning geometry of the D.O.A. series, in a lighter, more energetic, and responsive chassis, the SUPER D.O.A. isn't just any snowboard; it's a hyperdrive-equipped, improbability-fueled snow-surfing machine that can help you go faster, and edge quicker. Ultra-premium, lightweight, powerful and fast, the SUPER D.O.A. receives an all-new featherweight Hybrid HolySheet Tri/Tri SuperCarbon configuration and HyperDrive ADV XT base with a factory-direct Moonshot Omni-Tune taking this already coveted series to new heights.

Capita Super D.O.A. Mens Snowboard